Hello people! If your cat is plotting to kill you, how can you describe it? If you own a cat, you know the look you give them when you walk in, trying to decide what’s happening in their little puffball head. Sure, they’re adorable, all snuggled up in a sunbeam napping, but it’s not a crazy notion to assume they’re planning your death. Read here about how a cat might be more than just a pet.
Let’s discuss it!
Table of Contents
The Glaring Stare of Death

One thing you likely never knew about your cat’s infamous glare is to watch yourself. It’s a warning they’re about to take you out. If you have, you have seen your cat staring at you wide-eyed, never blinking. This isn’t a loving pet stare; it’s calculated. Your cat is trying to size you up—like how your cat sizes up, whether you can deal with it right now or not, and when it needs to carry out its nefarious plans.
The Analysis
Look at how long he stared. The documented signal that your cat is scheming is if it goes on for over ten seconds. You’re not just a pet but a rival (in cat logic) for attention and perhaps that last piece of tuna.
The Midnight Zoomies

I’m going to chat about those dreaded midnight zoomies. Your cat decides to take off around the house at top speed, knocking over furniture and making the place sound and feel like the Hotel California. It could be, too, a practice run for an ambush, which was just a little burst of energy you recorded, which might have been what you said.
The Analysis
These days, if a cat tries to drag you into their nightly marathon, they’re looking at your reflexes. If it’s a moving shooter, it’s maybe giving it more incentive to dance around you to get an angle than it typically would.
The “Help” Meow
Cats have many ways of letting you know: If they want something, they meow to tell you. Another sign that the cat is playing the long game is if your cat is just a little extra vocal and ‘a little sharp’ in its tone.
As if by way of luring you off the scent of those remaining four carapaces (if even that), it will loot your caches as it makes its takeover, and that may just be a cunning ploy to get you off the scent of its remaining four carapaces.
The Analysis
Listen to the meows from where these meows are coming from. Sometimes, a well-thought-out plan, but if it works when you’re cooking or loving on another pup, then that’s ok. Or maybe your cat has found a way to con you into thinking you’re safe from its teeth when it intends to deliver the pinch when you least expect it!
The Sudden Affection
If your cat, however, suddenly starts treating you all snuggly, beware. Could this be a classic case of keeping your enemies close at hand? Cats are such master manipulators that your cat might be doing what’s best, so he’ll be on your good side before he pulls his final con.
The Analysis
Why is this affection, and when? But if your cat is late on feeding or you aren’t paying it the attention it requires, it may be trying to get you on its side. And that’s really like a psychological warfare game to me.
The Toy Massacre
Have you ever seen your systemically turned your cat toy torturer? If your once-innocent plush mouse is now unrecognizable due to the onslaught of claws and teeth, your cat sends a clear message: “What will happen to you if you don’t follow my orders?” you asked.
The Analysis
Are you the proud owner of a feline prince or princess, and do you discover that they’re playing with a toy brutally? Then, do a little more research. If it’s the things that remind you or the things you love, it’s a warning. On training, it is a real target.
Sudden Interest in High Places
Of course, cats love to climb, but if your cat suddenly becomes obsessed with climbing to the top of your house, it’s probably not for a better view. Besides, that would also be good for strategic observation; cats are natural hunters.
The Analysis
If your cat is constantly found atop the fridge or the highest shelf, but you have no idea how she got there, I’m sorry to tell you: she’s planning her next move. He’s got his intelligence; he’s hanging back and waiting for when he will smack. If you still have cash, just watch and buy some protection.
The Gift of “Presents”
Or, if your cat likes to explore the outside, you might have gotten a present or two in the mail: dead critters. However, people forget that it is a sign of love, but should it be done through dominance? Your cat might remind you how good a hunter they are; even though they won’t eat you, your food might be in the slightly more needy food aisle.
The Analysis
You’ll also notice how the cat will offer you these gifts. If it walks up with its head high to your doorstep, it knows it has claimed you for its territory. The message? Unless you’re a master. You’re just a lowly servant.
The following video explains about The Gift of “Presents”:
The Litter Box Sabotage
Is your cat suddenly mad about kitty litter but now loves your favorite pair of shoes or that laundry basket instead? This is outright war; it’s no easy act of rebellion. Your cat is sending a message: ‘I can make your life a living hell,’ I told him.
The Analysis
This is a behavior that indicates to you that your cat is feeling cornered or threatened. Also, it might be a power play if it’s staring back at you when it’s out doing its business. Remember, cats understand what they do and how this might be their control over you.
The Napping Intervals
We always say cats sleep a lot, which they do – sixteen hours daily. If your cat chooses to cuddle in to take a break from you, resembling it, decides to spend as long towards you as you’ll let it, take note. We told her your cat is watching you very closely while pretending to be innocent, we told her.
The Analysis
Maybe your cat’s new want to get some shut-eye right against your body is its initial machination for telling you what it’s up to. Just remember that a seemingly relaxed cat is only biding her time.
The Sudden Disinterest
The irony is that if your cat is one of those cases and suddenly is resistant and indifferent, it could mean it is getting ready for something great. Cats do that – cats withdraw – and they do that when they’re getting ready for a big change in tactics.
The Analysis
Just because it’s aloof doesn’t mean it’s not pretending. I hope your calculations go awry or that your cat changes its approach and devises a foolproof scheme to leave you meeting your doom unawares.
The Territorial Behavior
Cats are territorial animals, and if your cat begins to act aggressively around others or becomes more protective of specific parts of your home, that is an indication that your cat perceives you as a rival. If your cat is just starting to defend its turf, the competition will get whittled down, or else.
The Analysis
It is at war if your cat begins to mark its territory more aggressively. It could have unwittingly challenged its status and is here to regain its turf.
The Sudden Change in Diet
If your cat suddenly decides not to eat the food they used to eat and only eats certain types or brands, there’s a chance that it’s manipulating you. Your cat knows it gets things done by yanking your chain about its health, so when it does, it will be at it again.
The Analysis
Watch dietary changes carefully. Either way, it will make for a bigger jiggle — say, you have to cook special foods or try and test your limit before you pop.
Of course, the idea that your cat is out to get you isn’t funny by necessity, but it’s impossible not to see how slightly weird they can sometimes seem. Of course, being on the lookout for the signs, whether quirky or up to something, is also really important.
Embrace the absurdity of it all, and remember: Your best friend in the world is your cat and your fiercest competitor by far. Keep those snacks nearby and have a toy or two in your bag to distract them when needed.
That’s why they say you’re always better prepared for the fight, right?
1. Why the title of the book?
It’s a funny take on the occasionally bizarre ways cats can appear to be little masterminds. It’s ludicrous enough that it’s played for laughs, but we find it funny because we all know we don’t always read the body language of our feline companions that well.
2. Is this book to be taken seriously?
Not at all! This book is purely for fun. This is a humorous take on cats, telling the story of how we are dazed by the mysterious ways of cats and exaggerating common cat behaviors. I think it’s supposed to be light and fun with the idea of owning a pet.
3. Is the talk about the said signs in the book based on science?
Not all behaviors are based on real feline instincts and habits, and the idea that cats are out for ‘blood’ in their owners is pure foolishness. The book is rather full of humor rather than serious animal behavior science.
4. Can I relate to this book if I have a dog instead of a cat?
Absolutely! While the book focuses on cats, there are many lessons about how strange and quirky pets can be that apply to dogs and other pets. The humor remains, no matter the canine nature of your partner.